FIP Astrophilately Commission History 2022 – 1985
Lin Da' An joins us as a co-opted Bureau member from China
Alec Bartos joins us as a co-opted Bureau member from Romania
During the 76th FIP Congress on the 9th of August 2022, the FIP national federation delegates voted that the status of Astrophilately be changed from a Section to a Commission
The Bureau for the period 2022-2024 consists of;
Chairperson – Charles Bromser (Australia);
Secretary – Tan Chee-Hui (Malaysia);
Bureau member (FEPA) – Chris Schmied (Switzerland);
Bureau member (FIAF) – David S. Ball (USA);
Bureau member (FIAP) – Madhukar Jhingan (India);
The new guidelines were approved by the FIP Astrophilately Section's delegates on 31 March 2022 and by the FIP Board during the 144th FIP Board meeting in Lugano on 22 May 2022
2018 Richard Tan appointed as Astrophilately FIP Board Coordinator

2018 Delegates’ and Bureau Meeting at Bangkok 2018 World Stamp Exhibition
The Bureau consists of 6 members;
Chairperson – Charles Bromser (Australia);
Secretary – Tan Chee-Hui (Malaysia);
Bureau member (FEPA) – Chris Schmied (Switzerland);
Bureau member (FIAP) – Madhukar Jhingan (India);
Bureau member (FIAF) – David S. Ball (USA);
Bureau member (invited) – Jürgen Peter Esders (Germany);
Bureau member (invited) – Walter Hopferwieser (Austria)
The delegates were presented with the final draft of the new Guidelines. The Bureau had worked on many revisions since early July. After a few amendments, the delegates voted to approve the new Guidelines. These would be forwarded to the FIP Board for ratification.
2018 September Beatrice Bachmann awarded a “Lifetime Achievement” Award for her services to Astrophilately.
2016 Delegates’ and Bureau Meeting at Taipei World Championship Stamp Exhibition, Chinese Taipei
The meeting elected the new members to the Bureau for the period 2016-2018.
The Bureau consists of 6 members;
Chairperson – Charles Bromser (Australia);
Secretary – Tan Chee-Hui (Malaysia);
Bureau member (FEPA) – Chris Schmied (Switzerland);
Bureau member (FIAP) – Madhukar Jhingan (India);
Bureau member (FIAF) – David S. Ball (USA);
Bureau member (invited) – Jürgen Peter Esders (Germany);
Bureau member (invited) – Walter Hopferwieser (Austria)
Igor Rodin , Fernando Aranez, Charles Bromser & Madhukar Jhingan at the Taipei Delegates’ meeting
2014 Delegates’ and Bureau Meeting at PHILAKOREA, Seoul, South Korea
The Bureau continued to work in its original composition as elected in 2012 including 1 member
invited by the Section’s Chairman.
The Bureau consists of 6 members;
Chairman – Igor Rodin (Russia);
Secretary – Jaromir Matejka (Austria);
Bureau member (FEPA) – Julius Cacka (Czech Republic);
Bureau member (FIAP) – Carol Cheung (Hong Kong);
Bureau member (FIAF) – Avedis Ketchian (Argentina);
Bureau member (invited) – Charles Bromser (Australia)
Because of American Philatelic Society had appointed a new delegate to the FIP Section for
Astrophilately, Dr. Reuben Ramkissoon (USA) could no longer be an invited Bureau member.
From left to right Carol Cheung, Charles Bromser, Jaromir Matejka & Igor Rodin
2012 Delegates’ and Bureau Meeting at Jakarta 2012
The “Indonesia 2012” World Stamp Championship was held in Jakarta from 18 June- 24June 2012.
The Exhibition was organised on the occasion of the 67th anniversary of the Independence Day and the 485th anniversary of Jakarta city as well as to celebrate the anniversary of PT. Pos Indonesia.
The event took place at Balai Sidang Jakarta Convention Center.
On June 21, 2012, the Delegate Meeting of the FIP Section for Astrophilately and the Lecture on Astrophilately were held at the frames of the Exhibition.
The Conference was held under the supervision of Mr Surajit Gongvatana, FIP Vice-president, responsible for the FIP Section for Astrophilately.
The Conference was opened by Mr. Igor Rodin, Chairman of the FIP Section of Astrophilately.
The first speaker was Mr. Gary Brown, Vice President Philatelic of Australia 2013 FIP World Stamp Exhibition. He informed that all FIP competitive Classes would be at Australia 2013 and invited Astrophilately exhibitors to send the Applications via National Commissioners to the Australia 2013 Organising Committee.
The main points of the Agenda were the elections of Chairman, Secretary and 3 Bureau members.
All 5 candidates for the positions mentioned below were unanimously supported by delegates.
Chairman – Igor Rodin (Russia) – reelected;
Secretary – Jaromir Matejka (Austria) – reelected;
Bureau member (FEPA) – Julius Cacka (Czech Republic) – reelected;
Bureau member (FIAP) – Carol Cheung (Hong Kong) – newly elected;
Bureau member (FIAF) – Avedis Ketchian (Argentina) – newly elected.
In accordance to the FIP regulations, Chairman Igor Rodin invited Charles Bromser (Australia) and Dr. Reuben Ramkissoon (USA) to be the Bureau members.
Lisbon 2010 delegates & bureau
2010 Delegates and Bureau Meeting at Lisbon 2010
The Delegates’ Meeting of the FIP Section for Astrophilately and the FIP Seminar on Astrophilately were held at the frames of the Exhibition on October 8, 2010,.
FIP President Mr. Jos Wolff, FIP vice-president Mr Raymond Todd, FIP Secretary General Mrs. Andrée Trommer, and Chairman of the FIP Section for Aerophilately Mr. Stephen Reinhard took part in these 2 Astrophilatelic events.
The Meeting was opened by Mr Igor Rodin, Chairman of the FIP Section of Astrophilately. The Chairman warmly welcomed the FIP officials and veterans of the Section, Mrs Beatrice Bachmann (Switzerland) and Mr Ingolf Kapelrud (Norway).
Igor Rodin congratulated the delegates and guests on the 25th Anniversary of the Section.
FIP President Mr. Jos Wolff and FIP vice-president Mr. Raymond Todd also congratulated the Section on the Anniversary.
The founder of the Section and its first Leader, Mrs. Beatrice Bachmann made a report about the pre-history of the Section.
The participants could watch a video of congratulations from onboard the International Space Station from the Commander of Expedition 24 Russian cosmonaut Aleksander Skvortsov.
2008 Delegates’ and Bureau Meeting during EFIRO 2008 FIP World Exhibition held in Bucharest, Romania.
FIP Guide to Astrophilately.
Work on the replacement Guide which are called, An Illustrated Seminar on the Guidelines for Judging and Exhibiting Astrophilately Exhibits – New Edition 2008, was completed and a CD-ROM was made available for delegates at the Bucharest Delegates’ meeting. The CD-ROMs were recorded and distributed among the Delegates by Charles Bromser. The Guide has 160 pages with many of illustrations. Thanks to Charles Bromser, the Guide is available in MS PowerPoint and PDF formats. It has been a great joint effort with input from all Bureau members and other Astrophilately experts Beatrice Bachman (CH), Bart Beimers (NL), Dr Hans Ferdinand Virnich (DE).
Elections in the Bureau of the Section for Astrophilately.
Chairman: Igor Rodin (Russia), new;
Secretary: Jaromir Matejka (Austria), new as a secretary;
Bureau Members:
Julius Cacka (Czech Republic), new;
Mak Che King (Hong Kong), new
During the FIP Congress held after the EFIRO 08 closure, Mr. Grandela was awarded by the FIP President, Mr. Joseph Wolff, with the Service Medal of the FIP in appreciation for his intense and long term dedication as Chairman of the Section for Astrophilately.
As per the motion approved at the 69th FIP Congress, the Chairman of the Section, Igor Rodin nominated Charles Bromser (Australia) and Reuben Ramkissoon (USA), as Bureau Members.
2007 St. Petersburg’2007 FIP World Exhibition.
The Astrophilatelic exhibits were awarded : 3 Golds; 1 Large Silver; 1 Silver; and 1 Silver Bronze medals.
Chairman of the Section, Jose. Grandela had four meetings with the Vice-President of the FIP Board and Coordinator of the Section for Astrophilately, Mr. Fernando Aranaz.
Per the motion approved at the 69th FIP Congress, Chairman of the Section, Jose Grandela nominated Igor Rodin, Russia as a Bureau Member.
Delegate and Bureau Meeting at España 2006 FIP World Exhibition.
The Bureau Meeting and Delegates’ Conference took place on October 12. Three members of the Bureau were present (Chairman, Secretary and the representative for Europe), and 35 countries out of 57 members were present or represented by proxy.
The 69th FIP Congress approved the motion that was worded as follows: Prior to the 2008 Congress, Commission Chairmen may add, up to two additional Bureau members, the Commission/Section Chairman would have the right to nominate person(s) of his own choice within the ranks of the delegates of those Commissions. This will be under the supervision of the directors of the FIP responsible for those Commissions.
Washington 2006 FIP World Exhibition invited 3 Astrophilatelic Exhibits for the Court of Honour / Invited Class:
From the Beginning of Space Exploration to Space Mail by Beatrice Bachmann, Switzerland;
The Development of the United States Lunar Exploration by Reuben Ramkissoon, United States;
The First Man on the Moon: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Moon Landing by Paul and Chris Calle.
Seminar on Astrophilately, by Dr Ben Ramkissoon and Beatrice Bachman. Mrs Bachmann was the principal presenter, giving an extensively illustrated presentation of the little known balloon and pioneering stratospheric balloon flights. There was much interest shown by the audience and questions and comments followed.
2005 “Pacific Explorer 2005” FIP Exhibition. Astrophilatelic exhibits were awarded with: one Large Gold plus Special Prize, and two Vermeils Medals. Chairman of the Section Jose Grandela had five meetings with the Director of the FIP Board and Coordinator of the Section for Astrophilately, Mr. Fernando Aranaz, to deal with subjects directly related with such responsibility.
Singapore’2004. World Stamp Championship 2004.
Best Exhibit of the Class of Astrophilately was Igor Rodin’s exhibit Space Mail from Salyuts to Mir. The delegates’ meeting at the frames of Singapore’2004 FIP exhibition. All the six Bureau members plus twenty-five FIP Members were present or represented by proxy at the event. The delegates’ meeting was chaired by Jose M. Grandela under the supervision of Mr. Fernando Aranaz, FIP Coordinator for Astrophilately. Mr. Eliseo R. Otero, FIP Vice-president, and Mr. Egil Thomassen, Chairman of the FIP Commission for Aerophilately honoured the meeting.
Elections in the Bureau of the Section for Astrophilately:
Chairman: Jose M. Grandela (Spain), re-elected,
Secretary: Jean Louis Lafon (France), re-elected,
Bureau Members:
Reuben A. Ramkissoon (USA), representing America, re-elected,
Charles Bromser (Australia), representing Asia/Oceania, re-elected,
Jaromir Matejka (Austria), representing Europe, re-elected
2004 Seminar on Astrophilately at ESPAÑA 2004 (Valencia)
The seminar was conducted by the Chairman of the Section, Jose M. Grandela. Three Bureau members (Mrs. Beatrice Bachmann, Mr. Jean Louis Lafon, and Mr. Jose M. Grandela), plus 14 National Delegates and some exhibitors, represented a total of 19 countries at the Seminar. Soviet cosmonaut Viktor Gorbatko, President of the Union of Philatelists of Russia took part in the event. Jose M. Grandela made a report about New solid evidence of correspondence carried from US submarines by Regulus I and Regulus II missiles accompanied with slides. Igor Rodin, Vice-President of the Union of Philatelists of Russia prepared an hour lecture Appropriate and non-appropriate material suitable in an astrophilatelic exhibit with a PowerPoint slide-show. The Seminar was held in English and translated into Spanish by Jose M. Grandela.
All the entries (11) received at ESPAÑA 2004 in the competition Class of Astrophilately were accepted by the Organising Committee, attending the request of the Chairman of the Section with the priceless help of Mr. Fernando Aranaz., FIP Director.
2003 Summary Guide for Astrophilately was prepared by Beatrice Bachmann, a Bureau member. Exhibits in the competition class of Astrophilately admitted in the FIP World Exhibition Bangkok’ 2003, have been awarded with: three Gold, one Large Vermeil, and two Large Silver Medals.
2002 Delegates Meeting at Seoul on August 8.
Five of the seven Bureau members attended the meeting. Eighteen countries were present or represented by proxy. There was also one observer from the nited Arab Emirates. Delegates meeting was held under the supervision of Mr. Fernando Aranaz, FIP Coordinator for Astrophilately. Mr. Knud Mohr, FIP President welcomed the delegates and referred to some projects of FIP. Mr. Gorbatko, USSR cosmonaut and President of the Russian Union of Philately was also present.
Delegate’s Meeting with Elections during Espana’2000 FIP World Exhibition.
Thanks to Fernando Aranaz, President of the World exhibition ESPANA’2000, 20 exhibits from 13 countries were entered in the Class of Astrophilately and 1 exhibit was invited to the Class of Honour. The awards were: 3 Gold, 4 Large Vermeil, 4 Vermeil medals, was gratifyingly high.
Attendance of Delegates, alternate Delegates and Proxies was 37. Observer and Guests 6. Special welcome was extended to the President of the Commission for Aerophilately, Egil Thomassen and FIP Vice President, Patrick Pearson, Coordinator to the Section.
During the elections for the Bureau of the Section, Beatrice Bachmann gave the floor to FIP Vice President, Patrick Pearson, to conduct the elections, with also thanks for the good co-operation, since his appointment as Co-ordinator to the Section in 1998.
Francis Kiddle, at the invitation of Patrick Pearson, warmly thanked Beatrice Bachmann for her immense contribution to Astrophilately. She had developed the science and established the credibility of what is a very challenging discipline, from first principles. Without her enthusiasm and skills, Astrophilately would not exist, let alone being a growing area of interest within FIP. His comments were applauded and endorsed by all present.
The result of the election was:
For Leader (Chairman): José Grandela, Spain, new.
For Bureau members:
Charles Bromser, Australia new,
Jean-Louis Lafon, France new,
Prof. Riggi di Numana, Italy new,
Jaromir Matejka, Austria re-elected,
Dr Reuben Ramkissoon re-elected,
Beatrice Bachmann.
Beatrice Bachmann gave her warmest congratulations to the new elected Leader (Chairman) with best wishes for the future and with thanks for the long-time of friendly co-operation with him as Bureau member. She also congratulated the new and re-elected Bureau-members. Concluding the elections, she expressed sincere thanks to the three Bureau members who did not stand for re-election. Ingolf Kapelrud, who had been nominated for election as President of the Thematic Commission, Francis Kiddle, who was the candidate for election as President of the Commission for Literature and Peter Wilhelm who collaborated as Bureau member for 12 years.
At the FIP Congress at ESPANA’2000 Beatrice Bachmann was honoured with the FIP Medal for Service – the most prestigious recognition awarded by the FIP for exceptional continuing long-term service to organised philately at the international level.
2000 Comments to Proposed Changes in the FIP Statutes.
In March 2000, the Commission Presidents and the Section Leader were asked by the FIP President Knud Mohr to give their opinion on some changes to the Statutes. As Leader of the Section for Astrophilately, Beatrice Bachmann took necessary measures to correct the omission of the “Section” in the new “Commission” structure. As a positive result the FIP Board granted to correct the omission and integrated the word Section wherever Commissions are mentioned in the FIP Statutes.
1999 Approval of the revised Guidelines for Astrophilately. The FIP Board approved the new Guidelines at its Meeting during IBRA’99 and was made available together with the revised SREVs on the FIP Website.
Beatrice Bachmann and Peter Wilhelm at Ibra’99
Seminars on Astrophilately
On the initiative of Jean Louis Lafon, Delegate to the Section and Astrophilately juror from France, a Seminar on Astrophilately took place under the auspices of the French philatelic Associations at Philexfrance’99 World exhibition in Paris. 25 philatelists from France attended the Seminar. Jean Louis Lafon presented the SREV and Guidelines and Beatrice Bachmann explained how to build-up an astrophilatelic exhibit and referred to appropriate astrophilatelic material with a slide lecture.
Czech Republic
At the invitation of Dr Lumir Brendl, President of the Czech Philatelic Federation, a Seminar on Astrophilately took place in Prague at Cosmos’99, a specialised National Thematic and Astrophilately Exhibition with International participation. It was conducted by Beatrice Bachmann, assisted by Julius Cacka, Czech Delegate to the Section, who did the German to Czech translation. The Seminar was attended by 14 exhibitors and jurors and the special guest Mr. Ladislav Dvoracek, Past President and Honorary Member of the FIP Board.
In the 15 years Leadership of the Section by Beatrice Bachmann, her main important task was to make jurors, exhibitors and collectors acquainted with this special philatelic field and what is to be considered as appropriate material, when evaluating or constructing an astrophilatelic exhibit, in accordance with the FIP SREV and Guidelines.
1998 Delegates’ and Bureau Meeting held during ITALIA’98.
The Section Leader reported on: Publication of an Astrophilately article in the Journal of the UPU. Beatrice Bachmann was invited to write general information about Astrophilately in the Universal Postal Union Magazine (issue of October/December 1998) under Philatelic Forum. The article Tracing the Conquest of Space in English and French was published and 3,500 copies were printed. It was also translated into Arabic, Chinese, German, Russian and Spanish and sent to Postal Administrations of 189 countries affiliated to the UPU, as well as to Philatelic Federations.
A Website of the Section for Astrophilately was created by the Leader following a request by the FIP Board made to the Presidents of the Commissions and Section at the Joint Meeting at Italia’98 in Milan. It was up and running by March 1999 and included in the FIP Website.
1997 A Bureau Meeting was held at Pacific’97 in San Francisco on 1st June attended by Francis Kiddle, (Secretary), Reuben Ramkissoon, (Vice President), and Beatrice Bachmann (President). The main topic was the revision of the Guidelines for Astrophilately. The new draft was disseminated for discussion at a Seminar on the during the Moscow’97 exhibition.
Aviacion y Espacio’96 Aero and Astrophilately FIP exhibition in Sevilla/Spain: 15 Astrophilately exhibits in the National and 19 in the International Class were on display. The awards in the International Class with 1 Large Gold, 2 Gold, 5 Large Vermeil medals, were remarkably high. A Seminar was held by Beatrice Bachmann.
From left to right: FIP Board Director and Coordinator to the Section, Fernando Aranaz, Spain; Miri Matejka; Beatrice Bachmann; Francis Kiddle, Secretary (behind); Dr Reuben Ramkissoon; Ingolf Kapelrud (behind); José Grandela (B. Bachmann photo)
1996 Delegates’ and Bureau Meeting during ISTANBUL’96.
Nominations from 13 Delegates were received from Federations for Bureau Members.
Elections in the Bureau of the Section for Astrophilately:
Peter Wilhelm, Germany, re-elected,
Dr Reuben Ramkissoon, USA, re-elected,
José Grandela, Spain, re-elected,
Francis Kiddle, Great Britain, new, formerly co-opted,
Ingolf Kapelrud, Norway, new, President of the FEPA,
Jaromir Matejka, Austria, new,
Leader: Beatrice Bachmann, Switzerland, re-elected.
Election observer: FIP Board Director Fernando Aranaz, Spain, was welcomed as new Coordinator to the Section for Astrophilately.
Mr. Gupta was thanked for his strong co-operation as Bureau member since 1985 with the hope on a further continuation as Delegate from India.
National Delegates increased to 40. (Flash 58/Dec. 1996)
At the Bureau Meeting the members agreed upon a new arrangement of responsibilities same as in the Bureau of the Commissions and voted for: Dr Reuben Ramkissoon, as Vice President and Francis Kiddle, as Secretary.
The Delegates and Bureau members have been informed by the Leader that the Congress at PHILANIPPON’91 in Tokyo voted for: “FIP Congress should be held only every two year with even numbers”, valid as from 1996 onwards and this decision consequently also became valid for Delegate and Bureau Meetings of the Commissions and Section.
1995 Two day FIP Qualifying Seminar on Astrophilately in April.
Thanks to the strong support of Michael Adler, President of the German Philatelic Federation, a two day FIP Qualifying Astrophilately Seminar for the raining of Jurors, with the participation of exhibitors on the first day, took place during Garchinger Space Day’ International Space-and Astrophilately exhibition in Garching near Munich, Germany. The Seminar was held by Beatrice Bachmann, assisted by Peter Wilhelm. It was attended by 22 national and international jurors and 14 exhibitors. The Seminar paper Advice on Judging and Exhibiting Astrophilatelic Exhibits in English and German was received by the participants. The FIP observer was Dr Teddy Dahinden.
Approval of Jury Apprentices in the Class for Astrophilately
Francis Kiddle, who had been co-opted to the Bureau of the Section, served as Jury apprentice at the Singapore’95 World exhibition and George Lauwers, Bureau Member from 1985-92, as Jury apprentice at Aviacion y Espacio’96 FIP exhibition in the Class for Astrophilately. Both were accredited as FIP Juror for Astrophilately.
1994 First Large Gold medal awarded to an Astrophilately exhibit at Philakorea’94.
Seminar on Astrophilately at Aeropex’94 in Adelaide, Australia. An invitation was received by Beatrice Bachmann, to join the jury at Aeropex’94, a FIP supported Aero and Astrophilately exhibition in Adelaide, and to hold a Seminar on this occasion. The invitation was from Nelson Eustis, President of the Exhibition.
Aeropex’94 Jury. From left to right: Anders Ericson, Sweden; Ken Sanford, USA(back row); Beatrice Bachmann; Ray Todd, President of the Jury (back row); Teddy Dahinden, Switzerland; Alex Newall, Great Britain (back row half hidden); David Chiong, Philippines; Keith Griffith, New Zealand (back row); Ray Kelly, Australia (photo: B. Bachmann)
Delegates’ Meeting at Philakorea’94. The Leader expressed sincere thanks to Dr. Teddy Dahinden who for the last time attended the Delegates’ Meeting as FIP Coordinator since he was not standing for re-election as Vice President of the FIP Board at the following Congress. His continual support and cooperation since the foundation of the Section were highly appreciated.
1993 Delegates’ and Bureau Meeting at BANGKOK’93.
At the Delegates’ Meeting a proposal from the Leader and the Bureau Members to co-opt Francis Kiddle, delegate of Great Britain since 1991, into the Bureau up to the next Elections in 1996 was approved by the Delegates present.
First FIP Qualifying Seminar on Astrophilately for Jurors was held on 4 March, 1993.
At Eur-Apex’93, a FEPA approved European National and International Aero and Astrophilately exhibition in London, a FIP Qualifying Seminar for Jurors (with participation of exhibitors in the first part) took place at the invitation of the British Philatelic Federation.
Eur-Apex’93 in London Qualifying Astrophilately Seminar: in the first row, right with glasses Francis Kiddle, Secretary of the Seminar (photo B. Bachmann)
The seminar was held by Beatrice Bachmann. Observer: Alan Huggins, FEPA Chairman and President of the Eur-Apex Jury; Secretary: Francis Kiddle.
16 International jurors and exhibitors attended the Seminar. (Report was published in the issue of FLASH 45/September 93)
1991 FIP Congress during PHILANIPPON’91 in Tokyo: FIP Class for Astrophilately
A very special highlight was the approval by the Congress, of a motion of the FIP Board, for a separate Class for Astrophilately at FIP exhibitions.
Previously, Astrophilately exhibits were admitted as a part of the Aerophilately Class.
At the Delegates’ Meeting of the Section, the Leader informed the attendees that her request for the change from “Working Committee” to Bureau of the Section and that the Leader may write independently of the Delegates and Federations for all matters concerning their Section, with copy to be forwarded to the President of the Aerophilately Commission had been approved by the FIP Board.
At Lilienthal’91 in Dresden, Germany, a European Aero and Astrophilately exhibition under FIP auspices, 21 astrophilatelic exhibits were entered. The International Jury awarded: 2 Gold, 1 Large Vermeil and 7 Vermeil medals.
1992 Delegate and Bureau Meetings at ESPANA’92 in Granada
Elections for the Bureau of the Section for Astrophilately:
Peter Wilhelm, Germany, re-elected
Dr Reuben Ramkissoon, USA, re-elected
Purnendu Gupta, India, re-elected
José Grandela, Spain, new, replacing George Lauwers
Leader: Beatrice Bachmann, Switzerland re-elected
Total number of Delegates to the Section for Astrophilately: 25
Election observer: Dr Teddy Dahinden FIP Coordinator to the Section. The Leader expressed her regret that George Lauwers, could not stand for re-election and expressed her warmest thanks for his excellent co-operation with the hope for his continuation as Belgian Delegate to the Section. She also conveyed sincere thanks to Francisco Lemos da Silveira, the retiring President of the Aerophilately Commission for his support and friendly co-operation, since the foundation of the Section for Astrophilately.
Mr Egil Thomassen, Norway, was welcomed as the newly elected President of the Aerophilately Commission. The Congress in Granada approved the revised SREVs for Astrophilately, as discussed at the Congress in Tokyo.
1990 FIP Congress at Stamp World London’90
At the Congress Beatrice Bachmann reported on a Seminar with a paper, Advice on Judging and Exhibiting Astrophilatelic Exhibits with additional part of illustrations to the Guidelines, that she had prepared at the request of the Implementation Committee.
It was approved by the FIP Board and valid from 1st May 1991.
1989 Meetings of the Section during BULGARIA’89 in Sofia.
Since 1988, several National Aero and Astrophilately exhibitions with international participation were organised by philatelic societies in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Rumania, Spain etc. and so more and more astrophilatelic exhibits were developed.
The Leader reported on Ad Astra’89, National Aero and Astrophilately exhibition with international participation, held in Zurich/Switzerland with 31 astrophilatelic exhibits from 12 countries, with, for the first time, three exhibits from the USSR.
It was the result of an excellent work at national level and a demonstration of an efficient cooperation between the Members of the Working Committee and the Delegates in promoting Astrophilately in their countries.
For Bulgaria’89 a slide lecture on Astrophilately for public was presented by Beatrice Bachmann, she also received an invitation from Radio Bulgaria for a talk about Astrophilately, which met with great interest.
1988 First Delegates’ Meeting with Elections during PRAHA’88.
Confirmation by the Delegates of the Section for Astrophilately of the members of the Working Committee:
George Lauwers, Belgium
Peter Wilhelm, Germany
Dr Reuben Ramkissoon, USA
Purnendu Gupta, India
Beatrice Bachmann, Switzerland was elected as Section Leader
The elections were approved by the President of the Aerophilately Commission, Francisco Lemos da Silveira, and FIP Coordinator Dr Teddy Dahinden.
First FIP Seminar on the SREVs and Guidelines for Astrophilately was presented by Beatrice with presence of Aero and Astrophilately Delegates. FIP Board observer Dr. Teddy Dahinden
1987 FIP Congress and Delegate’s Meeting at HAFNIA’87 in Oslo.
The Leader informed the Delegates at the Meeting about approval of the Guidelines for Astrophilately by the FIP Board. The SREVs for Astrophilately were translated into German, French and Spanish.
Hafnia’87 First FIP Delegates’ Meeting of the Section: from left to right Dr Reuben “Ben” Ramkissoon, Beatrice Bachmann, George Lauwers, Peter Wilhelm at the back, missing from the photo Purnendu Gupta. (photo B. Bachmann )
Hafnia’87 Palmares from left to right: George Lauwers, Jackie Lauwers, FIP Board Director Dr Teddy Dahinden, Co-ordinator to the Section, Beatrice Bachmann, Peter Wilhelm (photo B. Bachman)
Articles about Astrophilately
At the request of National Delegates and Federations the Section prepared papers about Astrophilately as a special philatelic field and its characteristics. Beatrice wrote two articles Astrophilately and A Definition of the Criteria of an Astrophilatelic Exhibit in Comparison with those of Thematic and Aerophilately to clarify the matter. Both articles were published in FIP FLASH issues 1987-89.
1986 The newly created FIP Section for Astrophilately was a test project.
The Section “Leader”, instead of Commission “President”, had to provide the President of the Aerophilately Commission, Mr. Francisco Lemos da Silveira from Portugal, with all official paper and information of the Section for approval before forwarding to delegates. Only four members were to be elected for the so called “Working Committee” instead of Commission “Bureau”. The first task of Beatrice Bachmann was to ask National Philatelic Federations to appoint a Delegate or nominate a Member for the Working Committee to the Section for Astrophilately, prior to the first official elections.
The following nominations for Working Committee were received:
George Lauwers, Belgium, President of the Belgium Phil. Society “Cosmos”
Peter Wilhelm, Germany, President of the German “Space Philatelic Society”
Dr Reuben Ramkissoon, USA, President of the US “Space Unit” Phil. Society
Purnendu Gupta, India, President of the Philatelic Congress of India
The First Meeting of the Working Committee took place in Zürich on 25th and 27th October 1986
1985 FIP Section for Astrophilately is established
In November 1985, the FIP Astrophilately Section was established. A motion of the FIP Board, to create a Section for Astrophilately, within the Commission for Aerophilately, was approved by the Congress at the FIP Congress in Rome, during the ITALIA’85 exhibition.
The Special Regulations (SREVs) for Astrophilately were also approved. Beatrice Bachmann was appointed by the FIP Board, as Leader of the Section.
At a preceding FIP Board and Commission Presidents’ Meeting in Zürich, she was invited by the FIP President Ladislav Dvoracek to answer questions on the necessity of founding an independent Astrophilately Section with Special Regulations and Guidelines in accordance with the philatelic material to prove her capacity as Leader of the FIP Section. FIP Board member Dr Teddy Dahinden, Aero-and Astrophilately Juror and Coordinator of the Commission for Aerophilately became the first FIP Coordinator of the Section for Astrophilately.